In 2017, the PR agency conducts a comprehensive rebranding, updates its own promotion tools and launches a new website. Today the agency continues to work under the brand FINEDAY.
In 2016, the FINEGROUP partnership was officially formed, bringing together specialists and companies in various areas of promotion.
In 2014, the direction of content marketing was opened, new comprehensive promotion programs were formed, which summarize the agency's many years of experience and provide the opportunity to select the most effective package of services for each client.
Since 2011, the PR Agency “Clear Day” has been actively developing the direction of branding and promotion on the Internet. The agency's team leads complex projects, it introduces new brands to the market, creates industry-specific Internet portals.
The 2008 economic crisis dictates new work formats. During this period, the direction of anti-crisis PR begins to develop, promotion strategies are developed, adapted to the limited budgets for marketing, PR and advertising.
In 2005, “Clear Day” begins to actively work on Internet projects, including the creation of electronic media.
In the early 2000s, the agency implemented the first PR projects, including political ones, organized city fashionable and business events, launched its own publishing projects. At the same time, the direction of media-relations emerged - the organization of press conferences, round tables and other events for the media.
The company “Clear Day” was founded in 1998 and began its journey as a full-cycle advertising agency, working with Russian and foreign companies.